joi, 18 martie 2010

Psychological Defense Mechanisms - A Scenario

Okay...Now that we've laid a foundation we can play around with how these defense mechanisms work in regards to Ego States -- Lets say a little boy or girl was not allowed by his/her parents to express anger in any way without serious risk of abuse...

Intra-personally - S/he would have to repress those emotions which would eventually lead to a wholesale disowning of his or her Angry/Defiant Child Ego State.

The lack of connection with his or her Angry/Defiant Child is likely to result in an inability to be assertive or speak-up for him/her self -- it's our anger that gives us the power to do that.

It's likely to result in this person frequently regressing into their Vulnerable Child who is scared, timid, and unable to set boundaries.

S/he may even compound his/her sense of powerlessness with moderate-to-severe introjected Critical Parent messages by way of self-talk.

Inter-personally - S/he is prone to finding a mate who is "stuck" in his or her Angry/Child Ego State so s/he can consciously experience his/her subconscious anger through projection ...this may be the only way someone stuck in Second Position can experience certain parts of themselves.

Their angry/critical mate knows how to "dance the dance" of the Drama Triangle taught to them by their angry/critical parents.

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