miercuri, 17 martie 2010

Philosophy of TA

1. People are OK; thus each person has validity, importance, equality of respect.
2. Everyone (with only few exceptions, such as the severely brain-damaged) has the capacity to think.
3. People decide their story and destiny, and these decisions can be changed.
Freedom from historical maladaptations embedded in the childhood script is required in order to become free of inappropriate, inauthentic, and displaced emotions which are not a fair and honest reflection of here-and-now life (such as echoes of childhood suffering, pity-me and other mind games, compulsive behavior, and repetitive dysfunctional life patterns). The aim of change under TA is to move toward autonomy (freedom from childhood script), spontaneity, intimacy, problem solving as opposed to avoidance or passivity, cure as an ideal rather than merely making progress, learning new choices.

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